Thursday, September 9, 2010

Entry #2 My writing instruction experiences

     As a child, I remember a 3rd grade teacher that encouraged free writing.This was in the 60's.  I embraced this by writing silly poetry, plays, and childhood experiences. Another teacher in 4th grade loved to get letters from students throughout the summer, so again, I did a lot of pen pal letters to Mrs. Ritchie. Then I remember a lot of workbook and breaking down words, identifying them and using the words correctly within sentences. Not much freedom or creativity there. My junior English teacher open the door to creative writing again: narrative, pursuasive, etc. and made writing fun. I think I had a mixture of  learning/word recognition, and acquisition/sociopyscholinguistic experiences; more of the learning view. I wish I remembered more writing for meaning. I probably would have developed more voice and creative writing skills. I remember finding my college entrance essay and cringing at the lack of energy or personality. I just wrote gramatically correct sentences that barely "scraped" my surface. I remember getting a list of spelling words to learn how to spell and write in sentences. Lots of dictionary work. The teacher showed you a writing format, and you wrote using that format. Every piece was completed and graded. Most topics were selected by the teacher or from the basal series we were reading. I remember liking to write as a child, but lost interest gradually as I began to read extensively. Taking the writing classes at Regis has awakened my skills and interest again; writing is necessary, and helps me organize my thinking.

Essay created through personal experiences and Chapter 2 of Essential Linguistics.

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